
Late Night Highlights: Jay Leno Wrestles a Wolf, Jon Stewart Defends South Park and J. Lo Finds Her Monroe

You might not know this, but every night at 11:35 P.M., dog pounds around the nation adjust the rabbit ears on their archaic black-and-white television sets and tune in for the Tonight Show monologue. They howl at what they think are the good jokes ("Happy Earth Day Kev!"), whimper at the bad ("In Beverly Hills, recycling plastic means remarrying your ex-wife") and then dream about Jay Leno adopting them and letting them live inside his thousand-car garage. Well, that all changed during last night's show, when dog orphans around the country watched in horror as Leno awkwardly shushed and coldly patted their distant relative, the American Gray Wolf, during his Earth Day segment. "Aw, hell no," they thought, before switching the channel to Lopez Tonight. That sad clip, as well as the other highlights you missed while getting in touch with your inner Glee kid, after the jump.

5. J. Lo's Birthday Surprise

Who cares about Earth Day when there is a G. Lo birthday to celebrate? Kudos to TBS for shelling out some extra change for the "Happy Birthday" rights.

4. Jay Leno Wrestles an Endangered Species

The Tonight Show host got in the Earth Day spirit by welcoming Jeff Corwin and a few endangered species to the stage. After paying polite respect to the bald eagle, Jay Leno got on the ground to uncomfortably interact with an American Gray Wolf.

3. Stephen Colbert's Alter

When the Colbert Report host found out that he would not be interviewing the animated Gorillaz on his show last night, Colbert stormed offstage and let his alter-ego conduct the interview.

The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
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2. Jon Stewart on the South Park Controversy

Last night, the Daily Show host finally addressed the radical Muslim death threats made on his Comedy Central brethren Trey Parker and Matt Stone, even going so far as to call attention to his own crude remarks on religion over the years.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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1. David Spade's Dad

The Rules of Engagement star told David Letterman a few stories about his old man on last night's Late Show while Spade Sr. watched from the green room.