
Introducing Pop Culture's End of the Road: The South Park Casualty Count

As we've learned over the past 13 seasons of South Park, some episodes brilliantly satirize news stories while other installments belabor a single point so much that the entire episode collapses under the heavy hands of Matt Stone and Trey Parker. Last night's 14th season premiere, 'Sexual Healing,' leaned more towards the latter side of the South Park spectrum, taking the ridiculousness of sexual addiction so far that Cartman, Butters and Kenny disappeared in the shuffle -- or for one character, after the odd, Batman-costumed autoerotic mishap.

Rather than harp on the inconsistencies though, Movieline would like to pause each week to reflect on the one constant in the Comedy Central series: the continual victimization of pop culture figures with a new feature -- The South Park Casualty Count.

And it was a bloody one, with 14 celebrity casualties:

· Tiger Woods

· Elin Woods

· Charlie Sheen

· Bill Clinton

· David Duchovny

· David Letterman

· Michael Douglas

· Eliot Spitzer

· Ben Roethlisberger

· Kobe Bryant

· Billy Bob Thornton

· Evander Holyfield

· President Barack Obama

· Michelle Obama

And there's footage!