
But Where is Slave Leslie?

· For those of you wish Jabba the Hutt would take all his pie-in-the-sky ideas and join local politics, this overhaul of Parks & Recreation's opening credits will rejuvenate your faith in democracy. Behold: Hutts and Recreation. [YouTube]

· In other George Lucas "news," he and Steven Spielberg are worth $3 billion. [EW]

· This graphic art for an "Age of Conan" t-shirt design really brings out Mr. O'Brien's insane biceps. [The Daily What]

· Quentin Tarantino will fulfill one of his kitschy, zealous childhood fantasies (I'm sure) by voicing Brainy Smurf on the big screen. [IGN]

· Sam Worthington has been cast as Dan Dare, Pilot of the Future. It's huge in the UK. Duh. [SlashFilm]