
Super Smash Bros. Late Night Brawl!

· The brilliant minds behind the Taiwanese Tiger Woods CGI re-enactment have really outdone themselves this time. Why didn't Jeff Zucker mention to Charlie Rose that he had to literally move the studios around every time he made a programming change? Talk about a bigger schlep than it's worth. [The Awl]

· Here's pics from yesterday's soggy rally, that drew hundreds, who were fed pizza from Coco himself. [LAist]

· This drawing of a toddler-sized Zach Galifianakis in a hospital gown clutching a teddy bear is f*cking amazing. That is all. (Click for big.) [Girl Anachronism]

· Equally amazing: This prank pulled on a Christian community TV host. The less we say the better. [YouTube]

· If you lived in the L.A. area, you experienced thunderbolt and lightning (very very frightening me!) today. There was also at least one tornado, four water spouts, and a giant rainbow over Hollywood. It's like f'in Oz up in heh, am I right? Pasta fazool! [LAT]

· Smash hit UK sci-fi series Torchwood, a Buffy-sized take on Doctor Who (of which its title is an anagram), is being developed by Fox into a U.S. series. Surprise: Star John Barrowman is being considered to stay on as lead. Will it work? The Guardian says maybe. [The Guardian]

· Ben Stiller might be ready to play another dark, tortured Jerry: Jerry Hickfang, the lead in black listed screenplay The Voices, about a guy who accidentally kills a co-worker and is advised by his evil talking cat and less-evil talking dog. And in the director's chair: Mark Romanek. [/Film]