
Advance to Boardwalk Empire: Is It the Next Sopranos?

Hey, it's Boardwalk Empire, everybody! Based on Nelson Johnson's Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times, and Corruption of Atlantic City , created by Terence Winter, who won multiple Emmys for his work on The Sopranos (he shared one nomination with Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner), and boasting a pilot directed by Martin Scorsese, it's an impossibly well-pedigreed Prohibition epic set against the backdrop of the original Jersey Shore. Hey look -- it's Flapper Snooki. Everyone wave hello to Flapper Snooki!

Here's a 60-second teaser to whet your palates; unfortunately, the only lines in it are spoken by a shotgun. Steve Buscemi figures prominently, though, playing scrawny-but-fearsome Atlantic City crime boss, Nucky Thompson. Over some fairly posh-looking period shots, a series of inter-titles explains to us that once upon a time in America, alcohol was outlawed, whereupon OUTLAWS BECAME KINGS and EMPIRES WERE BORN (e.g. that of nefarious royal Bavarian bootlegger, Prince Jäeger von Schnappsenstein). Anyway, we're so there, even though it needs a pluckier tagline. "CORSAGES. WILL. NUCKY." Or something.