
Make Your Own 2010 Robert Pattinson Flipbook!

Summit just released a clutch of new photos to promote its 2010 film slate, and of paramount importance are the ones promoting its twin Robert Pattinson projects, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and Remember Me. Above, in a brand-new still from Eclipse, you can see Pattinson and Kristen Stewart reenacting Tom Cruise's famous romp through a freshly Sea Org-planted meadow with Nicole Kidman. However, if you need more, perhaps some additional Pattinson pictures will do? (WARNING: No abs.)

Here he is snuggling up to Emilie de Ravin in Remember Me. What a two-timer, this kid.

However, he draws the line at letting Pierce Brosnan into their cuddle sessions.

Remember Me: Like Bright Star, but with more flannel.

"Have I done this brooding romantic thing a few too many times? Oh dear. Someone get me the new sides for Cancun -- I'm available for unbilled, third-act cameos!!"