
Introducing The David Hasselhoff Signed-Poster Generator

· Thanks to the good folks at, you can now choose from a handsome array of David Hasselhoff posters, then personalize them with an inscription to yourself or someone you love written in The Hoff's actual handwriting! They make wonderful Christmas gifts. [B3ta]

· Ricky Gervais cites Frank Sinatra as his model for hosting the Golden Globes. So batten down the hatches, folks -- it's gonna be a racist-jokes-about-Sammy Davis Jr. kind of night!

· Arrests have been made in a plot to shake down John Stamos for $700,000 in exchange for photographs taken of the actor at a 2004 party in Florida that would cause "harm to his reputation" if released to the media. The content of the photos hasn't been made public, but I think it's safe to say Stamos was eating Killer Whale sushi in them. I mean -- right? [The Smoking Gun]

· Good news, Hollywood writers! iPhone app authors will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you come the next picket lines. We shall overcoooome....we shall overcooommee... [The Wrap]

· Details magazine has devoted two pages in its current issue to "The Rise of the Douchefag," leading us to devote one end-of-the-day bullet-point to "The Fall of the Douchemag."

· We're trying to be happy for Mickey Rourke and his possible fourth wife, Elena Kuletskaya, but all we can focus on is that thumbnail hovering precariously closely to her baby-zone.