
It's Not Too Late to Put Sandra Bullock in Three More Movies This Year

When Sandra Bullock had the biggest hit of her career this summer with The Proposal, I believe we all thought, "Way to go, Sandy! Get that cheddar." (That is verbatim.) Then, what was meant to become Bullock's comeback year was sorely tested by the release of All About Steve, a comedy that almost broke Rotten Tomatoes, and before we've had any time to recover from that debacle, here comes Bullock again with this week's release of the inspirational sports drama The Blind Side. Is America ready for all-Bullock, all the time?

Here at Movieline, we say yes! In fact, if Bullock truly wants to dominate the year 2009, she'll need to insert herself into three more movies this holiday season. Fortunately for her, I'm here to offer a helpful, Photoshopping hand.

Which three movies should Bullock crash? Read on to find out!


If Sandra Bullock can solve Memphis racism in The Blind Side by meddling in football, who's to say she can't do the same for South African apartheid in Clint Eastwood's upcoming drama Invictus? At least this time, when she adopts Matt Damon's hunky footballer, the ladies at the country club can stop clutching their pearls.


Sam Worthington who? Zoe Saldana what? What James Cameron's epic cerulean fantasy needs is some star power, and lucky for him, Sandra Bullock is ready to make a mo-cap romcom for the ages! (Featuring a cameo from Hugh Grant, for some reason.)


The Wensteins have already delayed Rob Marshall's musical Nine once before, so why not hold it back a little longer until the addition of Bullock can make it Ten? Finally, cinema has the Sandra Bullock/Daniel Day-Lewis team-up it's been clamoring for, and I can just about guarantee that Bullock's signature song "I Baked You a Lasagna (Guido Guido Guido)," will dominate the iTunes download charts (or at least a very specific niche chart: "Songs Sung by Sandra Bullock in an Exaggerated Italian Accent").