
Final Sherlock Holmes Trailer May Not Go Over Well with Anti-Gay Maine Voters

It's been a long, interesting ride for the Sherlock Holmes promotional campaign, which began with a shot of Robert Downey Jr stripped to the waist and now finishes with a final trailer full of homoerotic banter. "This is not your father's Sherlock Holmes!" the trailer cries. "Did your father's Sherlock Holmes flirt with Watson all day? Did he sublimate his sexual urges for Jude Law into a simultaneous, side-by-side orgasm of gunfire? Did Moriarty sit this one out, biding his time until the proper threesome could be written into the sequel?"

Truth be told, though, the "old married couple" rapport of Holmes and Watson feels more fresh and appealing than most of the regular ol' action tropes elsewhere featured in the trailer. The latter element concerns me -- after the decidedly underwhelming Prince of Persia teaser, have we reached a point where green-screened CG spectacle can't even wow in a trailer? Hey, Maine voters: If you really want to take some rights away, leave Holmes and Watson alone and concentrate solely on overzealous practitioners of Adobe After Effects.

VERDICT: A gay old time.