
'The Cleveland Show is Hilarious!' Think Makers of The Cleveland Show

· At this table read for The Family Guy spinoff The Cleveland Show, the room erupts in deafening laughter at a scene in which James Gandolfini is made to look ... fat? I think? I didn't laugh at all? Perhaps you will laugh? I'll stop asking questions now? OK? OK. [via THR]

· "Six women were arrested last night after they allegedly assaulted a female karaoke singer whose performance they panned." I'm resisting the urge to call these violent, marauding hooligans national heroes, so instead I'll just call them ... the next great girl group!

· This just in from Twitter: "Could the Movieline website be anymore far-right/evangelical Christian. What a bunch of arseholes!" Well, we certainly don't know what you are talking about, sir. Oh, and praise Jesus.

· Here's ET's peek behind the scenes of Nine. The highlight is when Mark Steines recreates Penelope Cruz's number, and slides seductively down a 50-foot, pink velvet drape.

· Movieline pal and Mad Men drug-dealer extraordinaire Miles Fisher stars in Megabot, which acknowledges that Power Rangers sometimes have their own, internal robot-demons to battle.