
An Ode to the Terrible Photoshopped Cigarette That is Californication's Advertising Mainstay

In cable, there are many quirks

For shows that need a buzz recharge

Like ad campaigns that networks shirk

For every season, by and large.

At Showtime, there is one such show

In its third season, coming soon

About a writer, dad, and cad

Who's on the hunt for easy poon.

What billboard ad would best solicit

Interest from the common man?

What message should it make implicit

To win this show another fan?

Don't put your star's face front and center

And think conditions have been met.

To earn your poster no dissenters

It clearly needs a cigarette.

Not any cancer stick will do

There's one more trick you must adopt:

Instead of using one on-set

That Camel must be Photoshopped.

It surely is a strange motif

To use for seasons two and three.

You might confess to disbelief

To see it used to this degree.

Please don't fret, don't be concerned

Don't find these billboards misbegot'

Because, you know, at least they've earned

A post on this site, did they not?