
Megan Fox's Guide to Giving Great Interview

The MTV audience knew they were in for something special when Friday's edition of Behind the Screen opened with the following salacious narration: "Megan Fox knows how to make your pulse race and over the next half hour, she's going to do it....with her mouth." In between heart-pumping revelations about her same-sex kisses in Jennifer's Body ("I feel much safer with girls"), Fox took advantage of every weapon of mass-market seduction in her arsenal. After the jump, Fox's secrets to pleasing the MTV-ers.

1. First, Flirt With Your Interviewer

"You're the sexiest man in glasses I've ever seen," Megan Fox shamelessly told Josh Horowitz, Managing Editor of MTV Movies.

2. Give Geeks Hope

"I always talked to boys who are interesting," Fox revealed. "It's not like, I only talk to people who are like, the Adonises."

3. Feign Modesty

Even without prompt, Fox found a way to incorporate this claim into the conversation: "I was out of high school before I even did the deed the first time." Explaining why she would never make a sex tape, she said "It would take one shot of me not looking good and I would not be able to have sex ever again, because I would always just see myself looking like a hippo having sex."

4. Emphasize Your Comedic Talents and Knowledge

Describing the interesting way she interacts with people: "I always had -- I call it a sense of humor. [...] Not like performance art, but I've always sort of liked to push people's buttons. That's outrageous that I even used that in a sentence, attempting to talk about myself, like I'm Andy Kaufman!"

5. If You Have to Trash a Director You Worked With, Do It Subtly!

"You get addicted to those big action movies, you get addicted to the mayhem. When you step away from it, you're relieved and and relaxed and you do something else that's quieter but then you sort of miss that abuse."

6. And Most Importantly: Do Not Humiliate Yourself During the Interview for Anyone Over the Age of 30

MTV: Finally, I want to wrap up with some fan questions that we solicited. Is that cool? The first one is, "Can you sing 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow'?" That's odd.

Fox: No.

MTV: You're saying no to your fans right now.

Fox: Who sent that question in?

MTV: Josh in New York City

Fox: How old is Josh?

MTV: He's 33.

Fox: No. Next.