
Let's Hear It For the Basket Cases

· Courtney Love's had a busy Twitter weekend, between tweeting that she was going to sue over Guitar Hero 5's "Spit on Kurt's Grave" bonus features and this musical tribute to John Hughes. Her voice is like a fine wine -- it goes kinda rancid if it's exposed to oxygen for too long. (Just kidding, Court. ♥U4EVR!!!)

· WARNING: Looking directly at yet more photos of Channing Tatum during his early career incarnation as an Orlando exotic dancer could scar you for life. Or excite you. Or amuse you for 5 seconds, then completely escape your memory. OR SCAR YOU.

· Pamela Anderson is dating her electrician, Jamie Padgett. Run, Jamie! She'll dump you the second you get her air conditioner working, just like she did all the others.

· No one in the Movieline offices would hit it. We asked around. (On the other hand, 4 out of 7 interns would hit this.)

· Us has the whole Nicole Richie-gave-birth-to-Satan's-little-darling angle cornered:

Numerologist: Nicole Richie's Son Has 'Rare' Birthdate

Expert: What Nicole Richie's Baby Name Means