
Criss Angel Leads Mass Home-Viewer Levitation, is 100% Successful

Criss Angel, the A&E Network's #1-ranked magician, tried something different during last night's installment of The Five Lives of Criss Angel. He attempted to levitate the home audience using tricks like hypnosis, vocal overdubs, and split-screen edits. Ambitious, yes, but so are his custom handcuff-themed belt buckles. Not spooked yet, Criss! But by the looks of his comment page, where he asked viewers to text in their results, he was a unanimous success, levitating everyone at home and barely putting them down. I mean, just look at this wholly affirmative feedback!

It's like somebody screened these, I tell you!

CRISS i truly believe and i found that my arms moved upward of their own accord, but i stayed in place on the floor. Love you criss! To dream, or not to dream.

Criss i could feel myself rise off the ground and my feet just hanging there so thank you Criss.And you are a mindfreak you freaked my mind.Love ya.

Criss my feet were really heavy but my arms rose till it was like a t it was all tingly and stuff it was cool i was really spacey that night but it wass kool

Criss i levitated gt worked

And my absolute favorite:

Criss I felt weightless and i still do...never forget ur past,save ur energy,dont get lost in the dark... Craig Linke/Craig Monster

Craig Monster, I think it's time you find your weight and come back to Earth. The show is arguably over. I feel safer following your advice when you inhabit the troposphere. The people in the clip below are experiencing nirvana within their own homes. Why can't you? T'any rate, never forget your past.