
Jay Leno Sneak Previews the Laugh-Free Monologue He Plans To Unveil in September

Sadly, Guadalupe Zambrano and his Houston-area real-estate-sales endeavors have been forced out of their rightful domain by NBC's legal goons, with now the realm of their 10 p.m. disaster in the making hacky-comedy cavalcade, The Jay Leno Show. Which basically means the only hilarious thing you'd have ever found on that website -- ie. a stubborn realtor's refusal to budge in the face of increasingly desperate corporate pressure -- is now history, replaced by content reminiscent of a health insurance website.

Against a backdrop of muted colors and earth-tones, you're invited to "Meet Bryan" -- a "backstage correspondent" who looks like he's just been informed of an illness not covered by his HMO -- or scan "Vicki's 10 By 10," hosted by band member Vicki Randle, looking even more morose than Bryan.

Why the long faces? We think watching the following video will explain everything you need to know about the self-loathing that festers inside you like a cancer, after being made to repeatedly fake-laugh at your boss's terrible jokes convincingly enough to keep your job another day. Our hearts and prayers are with them. Be strong, Bryan, Vicki, and the rest. [The Jay Leno Show]