
Brüno's Conan Lapdance Tinged With Unspoken Grief

Yesterday was not a good day -- not a good day for anyone, but particularly not a good day for guerrilla character comics with massive movie premieres at the Chinese Theater that blocked access to the Walk of Fame star of the victim of the most shocking and monumental musical icon death since John Lennon's. Add to that fact that the movie itself had a scene in which the victim's sister is humiliated for comedy bloodsport, edited out at the eleventh hour, and you start seeing why Sacha Baron Cohen was so subdued on last night's The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien.

Oddly enough, no mention was made of Michael Jackson's death in the broadcast, taped hours after the tragic news had been made official. It was likely a tough judgment call on the part of O'Brien and their producers, but it was probably the wrong one. When tragedy strikes, late shows are often the first place the public goes for expressions of communal grief. I guess they felt it was somehow inappropriate to bring the party down knowing Brüno would be on a few minutes later, puppeteering Conan into giving him a sinfully decadent nipple and crotch-rub. [Tonight Show]

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