
Buzz Break: Truly Desperate Housewives

· Ah, not again: It's the inevitable "Why do cougars love Adam Lambert?" story. Before him, the cougars loved David Cook, and before him, Clay Aiken...why? Because middle-aged women watch a lot of Idol, and they're sex predators. We know this already.

· "I have to tread a rather fine line here," warns a Daily Kos commenter, buuuuut basically, Jon Voight is an evil lunatic who argues with vegetables, true story.

· Now we know to whom Gwyneth Paltrow is referring when she asks, "Will someone put some William Joel on the jukebox? Someone? Anyone? Assistant?"

· The cast members of The Hangover have their own ideas about the sequel, and Ed Helms's involves sea horses.

· Nicolas Cage has never hired a voodoo priestess to bless his sets. Yet.