
Twitter Births First Studio Project (It's A Remake, But Hey, What Isn't)

· And this, ladies and germs, is how you light a fire under your Sneakers remake in 140 characters or less. Watch and learn.

· Apparently a certain busty star of The Hangover forgot to wear a bra to the U.K. premiere! That's right: It's Zach Galifianakis! No, just kidding -- it's the tiger. No, just kidding. It's Heather Graham. Psych! It's Zach. No seriously, it's Heather Graham. Or is it.

· Well, I'll be! Pinocchio grew up to be one hunky marionette! Lie harder, Pinocchio! (I think that's a joke from a Penthouse cartoon, but whatever, it's evergreen.)

· Adam Lambert, Allison Iraheta, and of course your American Idol Kris Allen have all been signed to record contracts with 19 Recordings. As for Danny Gokey, a 19 rep said, "There's nothing to report just yet." This is all good news. I hope Adam does peyote with Zac Efron in Joshua Tree and the two collaborate on a duet called "There's A Snake Crawling Up My Dolce & Gabbana Lace-Up Pants (Gonna Rock U - HUNH)." That will be a big hit for certain!

· FLYING DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!