
Steve-O Tells Us the Story of His Jackass Intervention

As we wind down a day of red carpet exclusives from last night's Young Hollywood Awards, we thought we'd share our heart-to-heart with Jackass star and Hollywood mercenary Steve-O, whose past public antics -- including but not limited to red carpet peeing, red carpet testicle exposure, and red carpet setting-a-member-of-Good Charlotte-on-fire -- are the stuff of legend. Sober 15 months and looking great, we covered everything from his "rock bottom" moment (ever wonder what a Jackass intervention is like?), his new forearm tattoo (a naked man in jail accompanied by the words "Sex Behind Bars" -- possibly a relapse-deterrent), and, after noting that buddy Chris Pontius has been cast in Sofia Coppola's next film, a discussion about his own acting aspirations. He thinks he has a great role in him, and to be honest, so do we. Maybe Darren Aronofsky can hang a loosely autobiographical story on his shoulders -- the tale of a loner who just wants to reconcile with his estranged daughter, and relive his glory days thrilling millions by staple-gunning his own scrotes.

The interview is after the jump.

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