
Adam Lambert Encouraged to Be 'As Flamboyant' As He Pleases By Promo-Hungry 20/20 Producer

Of the many young luminaries to walk the red carpet at this year's Hollywood Life Young Hollywood Awards, none caused quite the stir that Artist of the Year Adam Lambert did, his late arrival setting off a flurry of flashbulbs and shouted questions, all of which he took in stride. (Accepting the award later, he'd observe, "This is crazy. Last year I was living in a studio apartment at Wilcox and Melrose, and worried about whether or not I'd be able to get into Teddy's.")

But none pressed Lambert's goodwill further than a lone producer from ABC's 20/20, who asked the Sexuality League free agent to be "as flamboyant as you want" with an improvised promo. Watch now as Lambert becomes increasingly flustered with each successive take, trying his best to retain his composure without erupting into, "Look -- just watch fucking 20/20, okay?!" before pulling the demanding promo-coach to his crotch and continuing, "THERE! THAT FLAMBOYANT ENOUGH FOR YOU, MR. NEVER-HAPPY BOSSY PANTS?!"

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