
Desperate Shrek Promotion Envelops Regis Philbin, David Letterman

Look, I'm not a big Shrek fan. For me, the most frightening part of I Am Legend was the unforgivably long sequence where Will Smith bonded with The Only Child in Manhattan by watching and quoting from the DreamWorks cash cow. I accept that I'm not in the film's target demographic of children or adults who love dated Matrix references, but I think I can safely say that this bizarre blast of Shrek promotion that's been undertaken to save the shaky Broadway show (which included a weird HuffPo advertorial yesterday) reached its nadir last night on Letterman.

That's when frequent Letterman guest Regis Philbin donned the big green getup in order to promote Regis and Kelly's Broadway Week (and, as it happens, Shrek the Musical). Letterman was gratifyingly nonplussed by what must have represented hours in the makeup chair for Philbin, and he promptly cut off his attempts at promotion, "mistook" Ripa's name as "Kelly Lee," and suggested that the family-friendly ogre join him to pick up some whores. Finally, a Shrek buddy comedy we might actually watch. Well, rent.

ยท Late Show [CBS]