WATCH: Noooo! Did 'Home Alone' Inspire The Climactic Scenes Of 'Skyfall'?

Skyfall Home Alone

Well played, Honest Trailer people.  Sam Mendes makes the first James Bond movie that I've ever genuinely cared about, Skyfall, and, with a single four-and-a-half minute trailer you smartly deconstruct the movie in a way that makes me simultaneously laugh out loud and question my sanity.

You really rocked my world when you pointed out — and then demonstrated with a comparison clip — that the picture's climactic scenes at Bond's ancestral home in Scotland are weirdly reminiscent of Home Alone. I bet that screenwriters Robert Wade and Neal Purvis will be staying indoors for a few days after word gets back to them on that one. The many scenes of Judi Dench frowning and the "absurdly long landscape shots," as you put it, are also lovely.  You bastards.

[Screen Junkies]

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  • Jake says:

    Umm, I believe I commented on this very fact back when Skyfall came out right here on Movieline. I was watching it in the theater thinking, "Why is James Bond doing Home Alone?" It's also the reason I don't understand why people kept calling this one of the best Bond's ever when it's not even the best Dan Craig Bond (Casino Royale is). Add in M escaping a bad guy hellbent on killing her while holding a light so anyone could see her and you have some of the reasons Skyfall was a very mediocre Bond. Maybe slightly above average. We all want Bond movies to be good so bad that we are willing to overlook tons of really dumb things in Skyfall.


  • Frank DiGiacomo says:


    I just went back and found your comment at this link: The Honest Trailer people should name-check you.

    • Jake says:

      Attribution is sooooo 20th century. LOL.

      Glad to see I'm not the only one to think of it. It definitely tainted my enjoyment of the film. I can't wait to get back to James Bond where it's more about him against a villain. I'm okay with only seeing M, Q, and Moneypenny at the befinn

    • Jake says:

      Attribution is sooooo 20th century. LOL.

      Glad to see I'm not the only one to think of it. It definitely tainted my enjoyment of the film. I can't wait to get back to James Bond where it's more about him against a villain. I'm okay with only seeing M, Q, and Moneypenny at the beginning and end.