
Peter Jackson Says 'Hobbits R Us' − And Other Spoilery Secrets Of 'An Unexpected Journey'

If you'd like Peter Jackson's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey to be a total surprise when it opens on Dec. 14, then, by all means, skip to another post on this page.  You won't want to read my reference to a very in-depth — and whimsically illustrated — piece on the secrets of the first installment of the Hobbit trilogy.

The piece, entitled "Massive Secrets of The Hobbit - Revealed!" was written and drawn by Lauren Davis after a visit to the set of The Hobbit in Wellington, New Zealand this past spring.  Since cameras were forbidden, Davis drew the illustrations that accompany her report — that's her work above — which provides the back stories of dwarves, secrets of Thorin's sword and behind-the-scenes look at the Hobbit homeland, Hobbiton, where the female of the species dress in the style of 18th-Century Sardinian women.

Jackson also explains that because the first Hobbit adventure is meant to be a tad lighter than The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Ring's effects on hairy-footed Bilbo will be noticeable but not as dark as they were in the first films.

Jackson says moviegoers will see some of the Shadow World when Bilbo slips on the Ring, "but it won't be so nightmarish," he explains in Davis' report because, "It's in its infancy, before attracting the Eye of Sauron."   Similarly, costume designer Bob Buck explains that the Hobbit homeland, Hobbiton, will also be depicted as a much more colorful place because the ring has not been there to "suck the life out " of the place.

Which can happen, too, if you read too many spoilers.  Just sayin', Precious. [io9]

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