
Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs Bears Uncanny Resemblance to Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs

Ashton Kutcher as Steve JobsThe recently announced project set to feature Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs has revealed its first reported look at the actor in character as the late Apple co-founder — or at least wearing the standard black mock turtleneck, blue jeans and sneakers (Ascis, not Jobs's preferred New Balance, but whatever) so closely identified with the late Apple co-founder. As for the rest, I can't really see it. You?

Paparazzi shots are what they are, however, so perhaps we should all withhold judgment until he's standing in front of some massive screen introducing whatever device changed your life 10 or 15 years ago. "I give you... the Puck Mouse!" Etc. etc.

[TMZ via /film]