
Martin Scorsese More of a Vampire Guy

Where does Martin Scorsese stand on the enduring cultural clash between vampires and zombies? Where else? "I happen to like vampires more than zombies. A vampire, quite honestly, you could have a conversation with. He has a sexuality. [...] I mean the undead thing... Zombies, what are you going to do with them? Just keep chopping them up, shooting at them, shooting at them. It's a whole other thing that apparently means a great deal to our culture and our society. There are many, many books written about it and many movies. I saw one in London when I was doing Hugo. I saw one late at night one weekend. It was called Colin, by a young filmmaker [Marc Price]. He shot it, I think, digitally by himself, edited it himself. It was savage. It had an energy that took the zombie idea to another level. Really interesting filmmaking. Disturbing." Also: He gets Raging Bull II just about as much as you and I do. [GQ via /film]