
How Will You Celebrate 'The Artist Day' in L.A.?

"At 2 P.M. on Tuesday, January 31 Councilman Tom Labonge will present The Artist with the 'Made In Hollywood' honor to the film’s cast and crew. Including Academy Award Nominee Michel Hazanvicious [sic], Academy Award Nominee Jean Dujardin, Academy Award Nominee Bérénice Bejo, Missi Pyle, Penelope Ann Miller, Beth Grant, David Cluck – 1st Assistant Director, Richard Middleton- Executive Producer, Antoine De Cazotte- Executive producer, Heidi Levitt- Casting Director and the Los Angeles crew. The Honor will be presented at RED Studios which substituted for Kinograph Studios in the film. 846 North Cahuenga Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90038-3704. Be it further resolved that the Los Angeles City Council does name this day, January 31, 2012, as The Artist Day in the City of Los Angeles." Yikes! Time is running out! Start getting sick now! [Press Release]