
Tracy Morgan is Fine, Tweets Tracy Morgan: 'Superman Ran Into a Little Kryptonite'

A day after collapsing at Sundance -- prompting his swift hospitalization and his publicist's even swifter refutation of alcohol and drug speculation -- Tracy Morgan has just tweeted that he's recovering nicely. It was just that, well... Here, he can explain.

For the record, "kryptonite" is clearly a euphemism for Melissa Leo, with whom Morgan was photographed (above, with screenwriter Ron Nyswaner) at a Creative Coalition event shortly before his incident. Must... retrieve... inhaler...


Superman ran into a little kryptonite. The high altitude in Utah shook up this kid from Brooklyn.Mon Jan 23 17:43:58 via TweetDeck



Thank U 2 the hospital staff. Back at work 2morrow shooting 30 Rock. Holla at me!Mon Jan 23 17:45:34 via TweetDeck


[Photo: Getty Images]