
Twit Wit: The Best Five Tweets About New Year's Eve and The Sitter

Twit wit welcomes you to its grimmest weekend yet: This week's new movie slate includes The Sitter (blech) and New Year's Eve (THUNDER BLECH). Luckily, Twitter's finest came out to snark at the offerings, and five of them were bold enough to make our chart. Click through for the shakedown.

5. Tom Scharpling has a foreboding feeling. But is it trustworthy?!

Guys, I'm starting to worry that NEW YEARS EVE isn't going to be that good.
Dec 10 via webFavoriteRetweetReply

4. Braden Graeber, AKA Hipster Little Mermaid, already anticipates the hangover from too much Zac Efron and Michelle Pfeiffer.

I'm so thankful Hollywood has given us an extra New Years Eve to regret this year.
Dec 09 via webFavoriteRetweetReply

3. Someone needs to get Anthony De Vito a job in PR. He just effectively sold New Year's Eve.

"New Year's Eve" is the nation's #1 movie! (during the worst box-office weekend in 3 years.) #HonestMoviePosterQuotes
Dec 12 via webFavoriteRetweetReply

2. Mary Charlene, AKA @IamEnidColeslaw, thinks The Sitter is a sad sequel to the "original."

I have not seen "The Sitter," but judging by the preview Elisabeth Shue has gotten fatter and Jewisher.
Dec 11 via Favstar.FMFavoriteRetweetReply

1. Twitter headmaster Rob Delaney pretty much compares New Year's Eve to Guernica.

"New Year's Eve" was so good that my infant daughter's face now sickens me because she will never be that beautiful.
Dec 09 via webFavoriteRetweetReply

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