
VIDEO: Artist Star Jean Dujardin Considers Uggie For Golden Globes

After some initial vexation from both director Michel Hazanavicius and star Jean Dujardin about The Artist's wonder dog Uggie factoring in this year's awards conversation, the duo seems to be warming ever so gradually to the notion that people liking Uggie is good for the movie. "When people say the dog is a good actor, it makes me happy," Hazanavicius said in his latest interview. "I take it as a compliment for myself and the trainer." Fair enough! And as for Dujardin? How about prime placement on the Golden Globes' Web site praising his canine castmate?

OK, so there's the same old caveat about Uggie just wanting sausages at the end of the day. But come on: We all want sausages at the end of the day. I'll take mine without mustard. And with a beer. It is the end of the day, right?

[via @goldenglobes]