
Julie Delpy Taking on Joe Strummer, and 5 Other Stories You'll Be Talking About Today

Happy Tuesday! Also in today's edition of The Broadsheet: Chris Evans is cold as Iceman... The other Turkey in the news this week... More on the NYFCC awards vote troubles... All three of Jason Segel's dreams come true... Your student-loan doom explained... and more.

· Wow -- someone's busy: Mere days after Ethan Hawke hinted that Julie Delpy would likely be back with him soon writing a follow-up to Before Sunset, the French actress/writer/filmmaker has been announced as the director of The Right Profile, an upcoming biopic about The Clash's late leader Joe Strummer. Not bad! Now we just need to cast it. I'm stumped; your suggestions are welcome. [Variety]

· James Franco is reportedly out and Chris Evans is reportedly in to play the mentor of real-life contract killer Richard Kuklinski in The Iceman. Michael Shannon is attached for the lead. [Deadline]

· Actual Guardian headline: "Playing to home audiences keeps Turkey's cinema scene cooking." And they don't even celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK! I am easily amused! I am going back to bed! [The Guardian]

· The New York Film Critics Circle apparently moved its awards-voting back a day to Nov. 29 for the chance to include The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. The bad news? Warner Bros. insists that it will not have Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close ready to screen before Dec. 2, thus disqualifying it from NYFCC consideration (not to mention National Board of Review consideration on Nov. 30). We'll see who blinks; either way it's not what I'd call good news for Extremely Loud's overall awards ambitions. [LAT]

· "I have a list of childhood goals. There are only three things on it: Be on David Letterman, work with the Muppets, and host SNL. I had done Letterman before and I, obviously, did the Muppet movie last year. But, I did all three last week. In one week! That's not hyperbole, that's an actual list I had. If I could have, as a kid, seen this week, I would have freaked the fuck out [laughs]. You know what I mean?" We know, Jason Segel. We know. [Moviefone]

· Suck it up and pay off your student loans! Here's a convincing case why. (Apologies to Occupy Wall Street! But not really.) [via The Daily Beast]