
Bonjour! Watch the Trailer for January's Beauty and the Beast 3D Re-Release

Be Movieline's guest and revisit everyone's favorite tale as old as time, the second release in Disney's quest for total world domination (AKA, The 'See How Much Money Lion King 3D Made Us??' business plan) which brings vintage Disney classics back to screens in limited runs in restored 3-D. Next up is 1991's Beauty and the Beast, a singalong favorite for children of the '90s that's sure to make another bazillion or so dollars. Watch the trailer and decide if you're giddy to see Belle sweep the Beast off his cloven feet with her brainy book smarts or just curious to know what Robby Benson's up to these days...

Producer Don Hahn, who also produced The Lion King and oversaw its recent 3-D conversion and re-release, is back to guide Beauty and the Beast's 3-D run, although I'm not quite sold on the muted visual presentation in the trailer below; the final polish must look better than this if it's going to be worth the ticket price.

To be fair, Beauty and the Beast's Blu-ray presentation was fairly gorgeous, and the Disney team managed to make Lion King's sprawling tundras come even more alive in 3-D. So, sure: Mark your calendars for January 13, 2012!
