
There is a Movie Called Zombie Ass, and 5 Other Stories You'll Be Talking About Today

Happy Wednesday! Also in today's edition of The Broadsheet: Darren Aronofsky finally weighs in on the Kardashian divorce... Bargain-basement Captain Nemo adds a leading lady... The unfortunate conservative angle on Ratnergate... and more.

· It's shaping up to be a slow news day for anything not involving #RatnerFreeOscars and, uh, horrible movie posters, which are the focus of loving attention in this gallery of one-sheets from the American Film Market. I think I'm fondest of Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead, though I have a feeling Zombies vs. Strippers and the Kevin Sorbo/Danny Trejo action pairing Poolboy will more than exceed their aggressively hideous promotional materials. [THR]

· Perhaps more impressive but no less appalling are these collections of tired poster tropes collected from around the world. It's kinda hard to beat "Tiny People On the Beach, Giant Heads in the Clouds." [Christophe Courtois via ONTD]

· If he ever makes a documentary, Darren Aronofsky is going vérité style -- or, you know, "the Kardashian form." Speaking of which: "It's amazing, huh, the fallout from that wedding? I have no idea who these people are, but that's interesting that there's backlash now -- that they're somehow anti-American, because they're anti-family. Even Fox can beat them up." It's a great point! Meanwhile, Albert Maysles would like a word with Aronofsky outside. [NYT]

· "Keep in mind that all this hoopla, phony outrage, and McCarthyism is over the following: 'Rehearsal is for fags.' And now, because artistic freedom is dead in Hollywood, Brett Ratner is going to get the Tracy Morgan treatment; a THREE YEAR re-education tour." Actually, all this hoopla is over a loudmouth douche who thought he was bigger than the Oscars, but still: "Artistic freedom is dead"? Looks like we finally found someone to pity in this whole mess. [Big Hollywod]

· Hayley Atwell and David Morrissey are aboard Captain Nemo, the $10 million 3-D steampunk 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea-quel planned to shoot soon in Romania. What can possibly go wrong? [Deadline

· And here is an airline that may start selling in-flight porn. That is all. [Gawker]