Awww, money-loaded celebrity caper Tower Heist didn't pull off the swindle of the century this weekend. Shame. Let's make ourselves feel better by mocking Tower Heist with some lords of Twitter, shall we? Join us as rank the best five tweets about Tower Heist, Harold and Kumar, and returning champion Puss in Boots.
5. Music video guru Joseph Kahn shares a trick for pulling your own heist as you visit the cineplex.
4. Can you believe it? Judd Apatow was once a dish-scrubbing plebeian too. Tower Heist brings the director back to his humble beginnings.
3. Twitter favorite Pauly Peligroso spells out Tower Heist's intentions pretty well, I'd say.
2. Comedian Billy Eichner takes time out from his Fuse Network show to watch (and learn from) a little CNN.
1. Rob Huebel wins this week's tally with a naughty shout-out to both the New York City Marathon and the box-office champ, Puss In Boots.
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