
Worst Movie EVER! Has Another Historic, $12 Weekend

Last we heard from the team behind The Worst Movie EVER!, filmmaker Glenn Berggoetz was receiving death threats as the movie's historically bad box-office returns crept ever-so-incrementally higher. More than a month later, firmly ensconced in three-digit territory and finding new audiences seemingly every week, has WME!'s profile emerged at last from the freezing shadow of box-office futility? Hint: No.

Sure, the film has collected a cumulative $323 since its sensational $11 opening in August (NB: We're still looking for that one paying viewer!), mostly through one-offs or limited engagements everywhere from the Oriental Theater in Berggoetz's home base of Denver to the Alamo Drafthouse in Winchester, Va. But when the latter venue hosted WME! once more over the weekend, Berggoetz and Co. reported a total haul of $12.

It's not as bad as it sounds, thought it's still pretty bad: Tickets were only $2, per WME!'s Facebook page, so that means another six people can count themselves among the elite class who've paid to see The Worst Movie EVER! Six people! Were you among them? Please, please share your experience below.

And for the Denver-based readers who might care to be among that class going forward, the film will be back at the Oriental on Nov. 17. $400 cume, here we come!

Read Movieline's previous coverage of The Worst Movie EVER! here.

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