
We Can All Learn Something from A Madea Christmas

madeachristmas300.jpgMovieline hero Tyler Perry may be busy filming I, Alex Cross and blogging to his choir, but his wisdom never ceases to spread throughout the land, as in trailer for Lionsgate's holiday-timed DVD and Blu-ray release of A Madea Christmas. Hallelujer!

The home video release is a filmed version of Perry's stage play A Madea Christmas, in which Madea, Aunt Bam (Cassi Davis) and Co. trek to well-to-do Cape Cod to clash with some unreasonable uppity folk. Guess who'll be doling out lessons in good, old fashioned Christmasy values?

Look, I've had a newfound, unironic appreciation for Perry and his Madea schtick ever since I found myself rolling in the aisles (pretty much by myself, but still) during Madea's Big Happy Family. And do you know what this Madea joint has that the other Madea films and plays don't? (HOLIDAY-THEMED) MUSICAL NUMBERS!

A Madea Christmas hits shelves November 22. I know what my fellow Movieline editors are getting for Christmas. Stocking stuffer!