
VIDEO: Stephen King Reads from His Vampires vs. Psychic Sequel to The Shining

stephenking300.jpgAccepting an award last weekend at George Mason University, novelist Stephen King treated the audience to a reading of a passage from Dr. Sleep, his still-in-progress follow-up to The Shining. Remember little Danny Torrance, running from his deranged father (Jack Nicholson) in Stanley Kubrick's 1980 film version? Well, Danny's all grown up now, using his gift to help people die peacefully. And there are vampires, because why not?

Release information hasn't yet been divulged for the sequel, which King is still writing, but this much is known: Danny is now an adult, and comes into contact with "a traveling group of vampires called The Tribe." Not sold yet? Give a listen to King reading an excerpt from his manuscript:

"How many times have you found yourself behind a lumbering R.V., eating exhaust and waiting patiently for your chance to pass?" Well guess what -- those were vampires!!

Chime in below and sound off -- is this like anything you ever imagined a Shining sequel would be?

Stephen King Brings 'Shining' Sequel 'Dr. Sleep' to Life at Book Festival[THR]