
Anne Hathaway's Cat Ears Revealed, and 6 Other Stories You'll Be Talking About Today

Happy Monday! Also in today's edition of The Broadsheet: Breaking down Drive's dive... A journey through the Overacting Hall of Fame... Obama is going to mess up your commute (again)... A very close read of Straw Dogs... and more. [And obviously keep in mind you may encounter what you consider spoilers ahead.]

· If our society approached geopolitics with the same passion and scrutiny it applies to Anne Hathaway's costume in The Dark Knight Rises, then we would have provoked enough of a international discourse to settle our disputes in Iraq and Afghanistan years ago. Anyway, here's the costume, cat ears and all. I'll leave the analysis to the professionals. [Just Jared via Pajiba]

· Don't cry for the softly performing Drive! After all, its own distributor, FilmDistrict chief Bob Berney, sure isn't: "Some people thought it should have done $20M the first weekend, but they are crazy! Even with the great reviews and Cannes pedigree, it's still an 'arts-ploitation' film. It's out there in a new genre. It's really a polarizing film but in a good way. The pacing, music, style, and violence creates heated debate and reaction. The people that love it, really love it and talk about it. But it's too extreme for many." [Deadline]

· The Overacting Hall of Fame is officially a thing, and yes, Al Pacino is a charter member. Congrats, Al! You earned it. [Salon]

· After successfully helping snarl the East Side of Manhattan during last week's fundraising events, President Obama will move on today to Los Angeles, where a pair of fundraisers at the House of Blues and Fig & Olive are expected to affect traffic in and around Hollywood. [Variety]

· A judge has dismissed a copyright lawsuit brought against 20th Century Fox arguing that its Percy Jackson series (and the novels upon which it's based) is ripped off from another pair of young-adult books based on Greek mythology. Whew. [THR Esq.]

· Here's a close, close read of Straw Dogs old and new: "However much we've resocialized men away from blatant sexist norms (which we now fetishize with Mad Men et al), it still comes down to a simple test: How do you make do with whichever branch of the Masculinity Yggdrasil your ass happened to land on?"

[The Awl]

· While visiting India, Paris Hilton declared that she's been invited to star in a Bollywood film and may yet accept the offer "if I get a good script." Spit your coffee away from the computer. [THR]