
Django Unchained Contemplates Major Dad, and 6 Other Stories You'll Be Talking About Today

gerald_mcraney_getty300.jpgHappy Wednesday! Also in today's edition of The Broadsheet: Hollywood remembers the late, great John Calley... God Bless America gets the deal we promised you... Nathan Lane gets close to The English Teacher... and more.

· While everyone pretty much anticipated today's news that Samuel L. Jackson has officially joined Django Unchained, good luck finding anybody who would have predicted Gerald McRaney making an appearance. Director Quentin Tarantino has the former Simon & Simon and Major Dad star in mind for a role as yet undisclosed; as long as he doesn't take over for Kevin Costner I'm allll for it. [Variety]

· The remembrances of John Calley, the well-respected producer and former studio chief who passed away Tuesday at age 81, are pouring in. And they're good: "[T]he best tribute anyone who runs a movie studio today could pay Calley would be to actually run their business the way Calley ran his." [LAT]

· And not to be outdone: "To leave this world beloved is a wonderful thing. To leave this business beloved is a fucking miracle. John Calley was that kind of miracle man." [MCN]

· A week ago Movieline included Bobcat Goldthwait's scathing, violent satire God Bless America among its five films likeliest to ignite a bidding war at the Toronto International Film Festival. A prospective buyer was Magnolia Pictures; the prospective deal was under a million. Bam! [Deadline]

· Nathan Lane is in talks to join Julianne Moore and Greg Kinnear in the indie comedy The English Teacher. [Variety]

· "Yesterday, in what had to have been one of the most surreal professional experience I've ever had, I got to interview Madonna." The ensuing 12 minutes and 20 seconds are worth a listen! [The Lost Boy]

· What's shakin' in North Korea? Oh, not much, just the country's first-ever Ultimate Frisbee contest. This really might be my favorite story ever. [38 North]