
An 'Embarrassed' Ryan Gosling Explains How He Came to Stop That NYC Street Fight

"I'm embarrassed," explains Ryan Gosling of the infamous street fight he stopped in New York that eventually went viral. "I think that guy really was stealing that other guy's painting, so I should have just kept my nose out of it." The good Samaritan has clearly put a lot of thought into what went down that day when he sprang into action while casually strolling through the street in a striped tank and capris, satchel in hand. Watch Gosling relive that harrowing day on video after the jump.

You've got to love the self-awareness Gosling displays in looking at the skirmish from an outside perspective: "He's getting his ass kicked by his hero, and then the guy from The Notebook shows up and makes it weirder..."

Rest easy, Gosling. You're still a real hero (and a real human being) to us here at Movieline. And finally, we have an answer to the other question on our mind ever since the street fight hit the web: What's up with the outfit, Ryan? "I had just come from the gymnasium, and I was all stretched out and feeling warmed up." Of course you were. (Side note: Add the Gosling signature workout capris 'n' striped tank ensemble to this year's Halloween costume lists, uberfans.)

Ryan Gosling Addresses Viral Street-Fight [MTV]