
Tower Heist's International Poster is Looking Dapper in Fall Sportswear

Thumbnail image for Tower-Heist-poster-2.jpgThe new international poster of Tower Heist positions Brett Ratner's vindictive ensemble atop a skyscraper where they pose like cool TJ Maxx models. Confession: I can't wait to see this movie (and, particularly, Alan Alda's bastardly turn in it), and I think it'll be the breakout hit of November. I apologize, Albert Nobbs!

· Documentary filmmaker John Scheinfeld is directing Fame & Fortune, the first-ever theatrical biopic of Elvis Presley. It's an adaptation of Presley bodyguard Sonny West' 2007 book Elvis: Still Taking Care of Business.

· Jim Carrey isn't just a budding viral video star; he's also an aspiring graffiti artist, it seems. [HuffPost]

· Kristen Chenoweth would like to clear up something about her Christian beliefs: "I read my Bible and I pray and all of that - really do. But at the same time, I don't think being gay is a sin. Period." [Advocate]

· The man who brought you Pride and Prejudice and Zombies may be writing the Beetlejuice sequel. [/Film]