
Why Elizabeth Banks Tweets

"I accidentally got on Twitter because there was a fake Elizabeth Banks, twittering, and David Wain, who's the director of Role Models and a good friend of mine, was staying at my house in L.A., twittering. I didn't know anything about Twitter at the time, but he was following me, thinking it was me. And this person tweeted, 'Hanging out by my pool! Just chilling on Saturday!' And David Wain was actually hanging out by my pool, on Saturday, and I wasn't there. I was in New York or something. And so he was like, 'Huh, I don't think you're Elizabeth Banks.' And this person broke down, and said, 'No I'm not Elizabeth Banks. I started this because I'm a fan and now I have all these followers and I don't know what to do.' David called me and said, 'Do you want me to broker the password away from this guy and get your identity back on Twitter?' And he did! So, yeah: I got Twitter identity theft." Now you know. [Esquire]

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