
Robert Downey Jr. Speculates Very, Very Vaguely About Iron Man 3

Robert Downey Jr. is not just a laudable actor who earned the coolest Oscar nomination of the past decade for his performance in Tropic Thunder; he's also a damn quotable person. But what happens when he's asked to speak about Iron Man 3, a film that Lethal Weapon writer/Kiss Kiss Bang Bang director Shane Black hasn't finished writing yet and comes out in May 2013? He's not as revealing or candid (since, uh, there's nothing to reveal). Instead, he says things like this.

In a Los Angeles Times interview, Downey shared this vision for Iron Man 3:

"My sense of it is that we need to leave it all on the field -- whatever that means in the end. You can pick several different points of departure for that."

Well! Maybe he can elaborate on whether Shane Black's involvement will yield any of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang's "meta-charms":

"The thing about Shane is that it will be anything but one of those moments, unless we come up with something that is so cheeky and character-driven and perfect that it has to be in the movie."

So, maybe! Or definitely not! Or both, somehow.

"We're not talking much about [the script] right now because Shane is off writing and we talked before that and when we are talking again the talking is going to be over pretty quick [because we're on the same page]. It's kind of like we're fighting on the same side and at the same time we're circling each other, so it's all great. It should be great."

Great (!) (?) ( :/ ).

[via LAT/Hero Complex]