
First Trespass Trailer: Give Them the Money!

The long, strange saga of Trespass is piling on the milestones of late, with this week's TIFF premiere announcement supplemented today by a new trailer. Is this home-invasion thriller, as one early viewer noted not too long ago, in fact Joel Schumacher's Funny Games? Maybe, maybe not, but one thing is certain: This definitely looks like Joel Schumacher's latest Joel Schumacher film.

What's there to say? Ben Mendelsohn, Cam Gigandet and the merry band of masked pranksters invade the sleek manse where Nicolas Cage, Nicole Kidman and their characters' daughter preoccupy themselves with parties, deals and gleaming safes full of more than just money. What follows comes bundled in a succession of stimuli and noise and tacky fonts hammering out the memory of the stars' Oscar glories past. Does it matter?

VERDICT: They had me at Ben Mendelsohn.

[via Yahoo!]