
10 Suggested Items for Robert Pattinson's Fashion Line

robertpattinson225.jpgKellan Lutz revealed that his buddy Robert Pattinson has casually discussed the prospect of becoming a fashion designer. Now that's exciting: Who wouldn't want to buy a scarf or puka shell necklace from the label Vampy Pattz or Cullen's Collective or whatever? I'm in. And better yet, I'm helping R-Pattz on the way to his goal of becoming the next Christian Dior/Jon Gosselin. Here are ten fashionable items he should hawk.

1. Sweatproof sternum glitter

2. "Soulless vampire void" contact lenses

3. Bikini briefs with "goblet of fire" codpiece.

4. Butter-colored sunblock (for all your butter-colored vampire sex scenes)


6. Tiny Water for Elephants ringmaster hat that doesn't disturb your artfully disheveled haircut

7. "Remember Me suspenders" emblazoned with billowing, hand-knit twin towers

8. Quidditch-safe culottes for men

9. Insulting "Team Jacob" polka dot vest with faux-fur wolf pendant

10. Reputation-recouping "I Really Don't Hang Out Much With Kellan Lutz" t-shirts

Any more design proposals out there?

Robert Pattinson's Next Role: Fashion Designer? [E!]