
Here's Your First Look at Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle, Future Catwoman, in The Dark Knight Rises

Perhaps due to some interoffice jealousy over the fact that Zack Snyder got to release a picture of Henry Cavill as Superman this week -- or perhaps owing to a well-scheduled Google Calendar of marketing teases -- the Dark Knight Rises team over at Warner Bros. has offered up a first look of Anne Hathaway in the Christopher Nolan mega-film. Exciting! How does Hathaway's Selina Kyle compare to Michelle Pfeiffer's iconic incarnation of the mischievous Catwoman in Batman Returns?

Good, totally-unanswerable question, self! After all, it's only a still photo. What the picture does show, however, is that Hathaway's Ms. Kyle gets to ride a pretty badass Batcycle (or maybe Catcycle) in The Dark Knight Rises, all while wearing customary superhero leather. (Nice sunglasses, too; they look Bluetooth enabled.) One note about whether or not this is actually Hathaway as Catwoman: the .jpeg on the Dark Knight Rises website -- where the picture was released -- is labeled "selina_kyle." Important distinguisher or totally meaningless? You make the call.

Check out the full image below. [Click for bigger.]

The Dark Knight Rises swings into theaters on July 20, 2012.

