
Watch Olivia Wilde Explain Cowboys & Aliens Wet T-Shirt and Change-Up CGI Nipples

Not only is Olivia Wilde open to appearing partially nude in movies -- as she does in Cowboys & Aliens and the upcoming Change-Up, but she is totally down to talk about said partial nudity at length in interviews. Earlier this week, she admitted that her own exposed behind in the latter film was a surprise, even to her, and the other night on a special Jon Favreau-directed episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the actress told the host (and all of America) about the CGI movie magic involved in her topless Change-Up scene with Ryan Reynolds.

If you want the illusion to be shattered, click play.

I don't know which revelation was more uncomfortable: Olivia Wilde telling America how Jon Favreau required her white top to be repeatedly spritzed with water in between takes for maximum wet t-shirt quality (with Favreau sitting embarrassed in the control booth) or the image conjured of Olivia Wilde handpicking her own movie nipples. Either way, do you think this CGI disclosure will take away from your Change-Up experience?

· Olivia Wilde will have fake CGI nipples in 'The Change-Up.' Oh, for the days before digital nudity.../ [EW]