
Exclusive Image and L.A. Screening for Oscilloscope's Apocalyptic Love Story, Bellflower

First time writer-director Evan Glodell spent years obsessing over his feature debut Bellflower, a raw tale of love, betrayal, and apocalyptic-level emotional tumult set among a group of near-nihilistic twenty-somethings in Southern California. (Part of that obsession? Custom-building the badass, fire-breathing Mother Medusa muscle car, which figures into the film.) After the jump, see a new exclusive image from Bellflower and find out how you can see it in Los Angeles before it opens on Aug. 5.

In addition to writing and directing the Sundance and SXSW sensation (which was quickly picked up by Oscilloscope after debuting in Park City earlier this year), Glodell stars in Bellflower as Woodrow, who whittles the days away building Mad Max-inspired flamethrowers and the aforementioned Medusa with his BFF Aiden (Tyler Dawson). When Woodrow meets the vivacious Milly (Jessie Wiseman), they fall for each other; when betrayal tears them apart, things spiral quickly and violently out of control.

See Glodell as Woodrow in the below exclusive image wielding a flamethrower. Suffice to say, it figures fatefully into the scheme of things, resulting in one of the most surprising and visceral films of the year.

Even better: If you're in Los Angeles you can join me on Tuesday, Aug. 2 for a special fangirl screening of Bellflower at the awesome New Beverly Cinema to see the film before it opens in limited release in New York and L.A, co-hosted by Danielle Harris.

Writer-director-star-badass car builder Glodell will be in attendance with actresses Jessie Wiseman and Rebekah Brandes... and if you're lucky, you might catch a glimpse of the Medusa herself. (Email your RSVP to with the number of guests and tell them Movieline sent you.)

Bellflower hits limited release in New York and L.A. on Aug. 5.