
Watch William Shatner Interview Fellow Star Trek Captains for Documentary Captains

· From the files of "How did nobody think of this before?": EPIX HD will premiere the William Shatner-directed documentary Captains on July 21. The film will follow Shat as he interviews fellow former Star Trek captains Chris Pine, Patrick Stewart, Kate Mulgrew, Avery Brooks and Scott Bakula. Do your best Shatner impression to celebrate, then click through to watch the trailer. Your Friday Buzz Break is here.

[via Slashfilm]

· Former Wonder Woman Adrienne Palicki has landed on her feet. She'll co-star opposite Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Channing Tatum in the Jon M. Chu-directed G.I. Joe: Cobra Strikes. Palicki will play Lady Jaye, the female lead in the new film. [Deadline]

· Speaking of sequels: Kenneth Branagh won't return for Thor 2, but writer Don Payne will. [Deadline]

· While you still hold your breath for a Party Down movie, check out this lengthy recap of the show's reunion at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, Texas, last weekend. It's worth your Friday afternoon time. [SplitSider]