
Jimmy Kimmel Gives Jason Bateman a Wearable Answer For Arrested Development Movie Questions

· You know Jason Bateman must hate having to answer questions about the status of the Arrested Development movie every single time he leaves the house (and you know he gets those questions every single time he leaves the house). So, it was kind of Jimmy Kimmel to give Bateman a wearable perma-answer on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Tuesday night -- even if it happened after a question about Arrested Development. (It's happening, yada, yada, yada.) Click through to watch the funny clip, then stick around for more Buzz Break.

[The fun starts at 1:35]

· Amelie director Jean-Pierre Jeunet has picked up the film rights to two books: The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet by Reif Larsen, and Red Leaves by Thomas H. Cook. He could direct both, with Spivet potentially going forward first. [Variety]

· John Langley (Cops) has hired Roger Avary to adapt William Faulkner's Sanctuary. [Deadline]

· Warner Bros. has picked up the film rights to Carter Beats the Devil, Glen David Gold's 2002 novel about a magician forced on the lam after possibly playing a role in the death of president Warren G. Harding. Abracadabra! WB has Johnny Depp on the list of actors they want to play the lead. [LAT/24 Frames]

· Movieline's own S.T. VanAirsdale is a proud member of the congregation at the "Church of Bay." Don't act like you aren't too. [Esquire]