
It All Ends: Watch the Final Harry Potter Trailer Ever

Enough trailers. And posters. And character posters. And nostalgic featurettes. This is the last stop. The final Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II trailer is also the final Harry Potter trailer ever. At least until the reboots in ten years. Click ahead to watch the epic.

So much greatness in that 148 seconds, notably Sirius and Lily chatting with Harry before his fateful walk into the woods. Also, so much action! It seems that David Yates took some dramatic liberties with the final pages of The Deathly Hallows, but that might not be such a bad thing. What's left to say about the final installment of Harry Potter besides "get here immediately"?

VERDICT: [Voldemort scream goes here]

Watch the HD version over at Apple.